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I do what I do because...

„Who is never willing to accept even a bigger task than he/she is able to
meet, will never make everything, what he‘s/she‘s capable.“
C. C. McIntosh

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Ana's why - I do what I do because...

I do what I do because... - health-all; InspiredPlanet; Orinition - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.; MyHeavenlyTouch; HeavenlyBusinessConsulting, HeavenlyTraining...

Live your passion! NOW!

My vision

To make Health-in-all accessible for everyone. We develop innovative concepts in different fields to provide health-in-all for everyone worldwide! Living an interdisziplinary Health-in-all-mindset and realize Health-in-all in every field.

My mission

Through innovative concepts and creative ideas which will be developed and implemented together with like-minded people, we nurture and cherish others to re-member their full health and potential for living a happy life with all available means.

Many ask me if I am "crazy" or just passionate by hearts - I educate myself for over 25 years in many different areas and have developed more than 20 projects, which are partially implemented. My passion is lifelong learning, research and teaching.

Therefore for many years, I was allowed to meet wonderful personalities - known and unknown - and learnt from them which everything flows into my projects.

I didn't knew why I am "internally driven" that much to educate myself with enthusiasm and to develop the projects incl. implementing them. Today, I'm sure that I followed my deepest heart wishes finding sustainable solutions for global projects, without dissuade me from anyone of my way. Under no circumstances!

My deepest wish is that everyone in her/his heart's desires, dreams, and in particular (re-)discovers their potentials and lives fully her/his life with tons of humor. Therefore, I sincerely invite all, to go together their way, so that we can nurture each other and enrich each other.

Walk my talk is my motto!

Learn lifelong

"Become like children" has been said once and if we see through the amazed eyes of our own inner child, we will realize that we have to learn a lot - no matter what age! With this view, we will remain always open to learn new and to perceive. By my enthusiasm to learn and discover I was allowed to learn and discover many new insides in different areas what I integrate in everyday life - professional and private. "Become like children and be amazed every moment of life..."


By my "astonished" perspective, it was always for me a need to find solutions to the global challenges. Through a serious life change 18 years earlier, and the death of my uncle, I realized that living my own heart's desires, is my true happiness in life.

For this reason I did further education in the holistic health field – on soul.mind.body.level - to explore the creative (medical) power deep within us.

I developed an own nutrition work where we (re-)discover the intelligence of our body, as well as the intuitive coaching with healthy commun(e)ication and active listening. All my researches and projects I did many years will be included in my PhD studies and global PhD project to unite classical medicine with alternative, traditional methods and health promotion.


Walk my talk! I live, what I teach with all the ups and downs which are included. For me it is important that I give all healing possibilities a chance and then passing on to others. Thus, I can guarantee to myself that I share the best. My passion is; teaching know how and make it practically: changing.

My big goal in life: Nourishing people on their life-path, so that they realize who they truly are and their potential deep within them, if they (just) knew what uniqueness everyone has deep within themselves…


Walk my talk! I do what I do, because...

For me there is nothing more beautiful on Earth than seeing bright eyes, because someone has (re-)discovered themself and I am talking here about every living being.

Because eyes are the gateway to the soul, and we recognize our own beauty through the eyes of the other.

I pass on to others what is/was good for me, and for me it’s pure heaven, that I (re-)discovered my potential and can live it fully. NOW!

Book recommendations:

John Strelecky: Big five of life

Daniel Priestley: Become a key person of influence

August Höglinger: Lebensziele finden